What are chakras?
They are continually flowing energy that everyone has in there body.
There are 7 main chakra's in the Human body.
Here is a list of the chakra's and a few things that they are associated with.
Root- responsible for feeling self-grounded and the feeling or action of self-preservation
If unbalanced or blocked, you may have anxiety, fear, nightmares or feel lost.
Sacral- is all about fantasies, healthy relationships, pleasure and emotions.
If unbalanced or blocked, you could feel detached, you could be weak both physically and emotionally.
Solar Plexus- controls your digestive system, and your personality, also self-esteem.
If unbalanced or blocked it can cause problems with digestion, cause you to be insecure, have anger issues and trouble making decisions.
Heart Chakra- controls love for ourselves, joy, empathy and forgiveness
If unbalanced or blocked, you may feel scared or unsatisfied. You may have physical symptoms that include high/low blood pressure.
Throat Chakra-plays an essential role in communication, willpower, and expressing your decision to others.
If unbalanced or blocked, you may experience pain the neck, sore throats, you may feel shy or insecure.
Third Eye Chakra- this chakra is the center of your intuition, helping you to see things clearly.
If unbalanced or blocked, you may feel stuck in a situation, it may feel like you can't figure out or plan your future.
Crown Chakra- Helps with communicating with the universe, it acts as your center of spirit.
If unbalanced or blocked, you may feel unwilling to be open to other ideas.
These are just a few of the ways unbalanced or blocked chakra's can manifest in your physical, emotional and spiritual being.
Sound Healing is just one of the many ways to re-balance and un-block you chakra's.
By balancing and unblocking your chakra's you will be more focused, confident, have more love and compassion. You will be able to express your thoughts and views, your thoughts will become more clear and you will have more wisdom and become self-aware.